- dole-bludger
- разг. человек, предпочитающий существование на пособие по безработице вместо того, чтобы работать
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
dole-bludger — doleˈ bludger noun (Aust and NZ slang) One who evades work and lives off state benefits • • • Main Entry: ↑dole … Useful english dictionary
dole-bludger — n Australian a person who claims unemployment pay which they are not entitled to, a dole scrounger . This common term is some times extended to encompass any idle or shiftless person. ► Newspapers are always whingeing about the dole bludgers.… … Contemporary slang
dole bludger — Australian Slang. a person who collects unemployment benefits but makes no serious effort to get work. [see BLUDGE] * * * … Universalium
dole bludger — noun An unemployed person who has no intention of seeking a job, and survives on government funded unemployment benefits … Wiktionary
Dole bludger — someone on social assistance when unjustified … Dictionary of Australian slang
dole bludger — Australian Slang someone on social assistance when unjustified … English dialects glossary
dole bludger — /ˈdoʊl blʌdʒə/ (say dohl blujuh) noun Colloquial (derogatory) 1. someone who is unemployed and lives on social security benefits without making proper attempts to find employment. 2. any person on social security benefits …
dole bludger — Australian Slang. a person who collects unemployment benefits but makes no serious effort to get work. [see BLUDGE] … Useful english dictionary
bludger — This word is a form of bludgeoner. A bludgeoner (not surprisingly) was a person who carried a bludgeon a short stout stick or club . It appears in a mid nineteenth century English slang dictionary as a term for a low thief, who does not hesitate… … Australian idioms
bludger — n Australian a cadger or scrounger, a disreputable or despicable person. (A dole bludger is the Australian equivalent of the British dole scrounger .) … Contemporary slang
dole — 1. n. & v. n. 1 (usu. prec. by the) Brit. colloq. benefit claimable by the unemployed from the State. 2 a charitable distribution. b a charitable (esp. sparing, niggardly) gift of food, clothes, or money. 3 archaic one s lot or destiny. v.tr.… … Useful english dictionary